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Guitar Courses
Unlock your music potential with guitar courses that inspire you

What you will learn:

Fingerstyle Techniques

12 Hours of HD Video Lessons

45 Lessons

Practice Exercises

Certificate of Completion

Lifetime Access
What students are saying:

The learning experience was extremely easy and Edward is good at teaching guitar, everything is so clear!

Joe Yee
I think the lessons are clear and helpful for me! I can finally read the tabs now, thanks to Edward with amazing classes!

You are the best finger style guitarist I have ever seen. I give you a 10 out of 10 rating!

Very good explanation! Very interesting even for intermediate to advanced players. Thanks a lot for the lessons!

The course is very well rounded. I am impressed how it covered everything so I have a lot to practice now!

Didn't think I'll need to learn basics but it was extremely helpful in fundamentally understanding what I'm doing.
Courses by Levels

Level 0 | Beginner Course

Level 1 | Advanced Fingerstyle Masterclass

Level 0 | Beginner Course
Courses by Levels
D2 Part 2 (Beginner)
Mastery Bundle
The Ultimate Percussive Fingerstyle Bundle
£98.00 or 2 Plans Available

Apply course-taught guitar skills practically
Practice your guitar skills through your favourite songs with the guitar tabs arranged by me, featuring diverse song categories.

Course Bundles with Time-Limited Discount
3.99£Every monthThank You For Buying Me A Cup Of Coffee ☕️- This will help keep this platform alive
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- Most Popular
7.99£Every monthPerfect for learners who want to learn and improve their fingerstyle guitar skills- Unlimited Access to Free Learning Materials
- Full Access to Advanced Fingerstyle Guitar Level 1
- Group Community to Maximize Your Learning Experience
- Bonus Exercise Packages for Advanced Level 1 Course
- Downloadable Materials for Advanced Level 1 Course
- Special Discount On Products
Premium Learner
105.99£Every monthOnly for Serious Fingerstyle Guitar Learners.- Everything in 'Learner', plus:
- 1 to 1 Video Call Lesson with Edward Ong (30minutes/month)
- Keeps Edward Alive to Make More Fingerstyle Arrangements
What variety of guitar courses are available?
How do I determine the right course for my level?
How do I cancel if I need to?
What does each course include?
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